Private Practice is a medical drama television program which premiered on September 26, 2007 on ABC. A spin-off of Grey’s Anatomy, the series chronicles the life of Dr. Addison Montgomery. Now, this March 24, 2011 we will witness another episode of Private Practice on Season 4 Episode 17.
Private Practice Season 4 Episode 17 "A Step Too Far" Synopsis:
Violet's book launch party has finally arrived but Sheldon finds himself attracted to the doctor who criticized her book. A surrogate under Addison and Pete's care is caught in a complicated love triangle. Cooper and Sam must convince a family that their son's health must take a priority over his sports career.
Private Practice stars Kate Walsh as Dr. Addison Forbes Montgomery, Tim Daly as Dr. Pete Wilder, Audra McDonald as Dr. Naomi Bennett, Paul Adelstein as Dr. Cooper Freedman, KaDee Strickland as Dr. Charlotte King, Brian Benben as Dr. Sheldon Wallace and Caterina Scorsone as Dr. Amelia Shepherd, with Taye Diggs as Dr. Sam Bennett and Amy Brenneman as Dr. Violet Turner.
Private Practice Season 4 Episode 17 "A Step Too Far" Synopsis:
Violet's book launch party has finally arrived but Sheldon finds himself attracted to the doctor who criticized her book. A surrogate under Addison and Pete's care is caught in a complicated love triangle. Cooper and Sam must convince a family that their son's health must take a priority over his sports career.
Private Practice stars Kate Walsh as Dr. Addison Forbes Montgomery, Tim Daly as Dr. Pete Wilder, Audra McDonald as Dr. Naomi Bennett, Paul Adelstein as Dr. Cooper Freedman, KaDee Strickland as Dr. Charlotte King, Brian Benben as Dr. Sheldon Wallace and Caterina Scorsone as Dr. Amelia Shepherd, with Taye Diggs as Dr. Sam Bennett and Amy Brenneman as Dr. Violet Turner.
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